“Were Moving!” the excited voice said on the other end of the line. “We went to an open house this weekend and we bought it!” I cannot tell you how often I hear these words. It is true that many Villagers move several times and for my clients it is always fun! I love seeing how all the furniture and finishing touches from the old house work in the new house. Let’s take a peek at a Lantana model that was recently purchased by a former Begonia model owner, somewhere in the heart of The Villages.
• Paint
We did have to paint! The main body of the house had some dark accent walls that were sucking light out of the space. We chose Patience 7555 a creamy light color that compliments everything in the space. Once painted, the house lightened up considerably. Tip: Always consider changing paint color if your home is dark. Often, lightening up the walls will work to create more light in the space.
• Entertainment unit
The Begonia the new homeowners moved from had a built in wall unit that they left behind. They purchased a new flat screen TV and console to hold the new TV. However, the Lantana living room wall is so large that the console felt dwarfed. We added ladder shelving to each side of the console. The ladders provided shelving for family photos and filled the focal wall to satisfaction. The TV will be attached to the wall when the new couches arrive. Tip: Always wait to affix the TV to the wall until everything is put into its final resting place. This will help avoid expensive missteps in your decorating journey.
• Couches
The couches are going to be replaced because they are too dark for the new space. In the Lantana living room the couches are viewed in front of a large window. They appear darker than they actually are because light is pouring in the window and the human eye will interpret whatever is in front of that light to be darker than it is actually. The new sofas will be light golden tan so they will not darken with the window as the backdrop. Also, I place the loveseat at the back of the room to keep the space open and inviting. Tip: When choosing anything that is backlit by a big window, always test it by holding it up in the light to see how dark it will become. Often anything in front of a window will need to be light to maintain the proper color notes.
• Window treatments
Usually, we would trim out the windows with molding and add a large header to the top but not in this house! The openings are so large and the back porch is enclosed. The homeowners purchased the slide view, a blind that will slide across the openings for privacy. The color of the treatment blends into the wall and is set inside the window surround. The slide view really fades away and in this house we all liked that the large slider opening seemed to blend into the patio windows and straight out to the view.
• Rugs
The same rugs that we used in the Gardenia worked well in the Lantana. We placed and 8×10 in the living room and an 8×10 in the dining room.
• Dining Room
The dining room received the double mirror treatment to catch all the view of the golf course. Also, the mirrors create so much light in the dining room; it is like turning on the sun!
• Large art
We added a large picture on the wall beside the mirrors. This picture is from Sunset Key and it looks amazing by itself or when reflected in the mirrors. This home is so open to the outdoors we wanted only natural art in the space.
• Bar
The long wall opposite the dining room usually receives a buffet or a china hutch but the homeowners have a bar that opens. We placed that bar on the wall and added two beautiful palm tree pictures to balance out the rest of the space.
P.S. –Attention, club presidents! I give free decorating programs! It is lots of fun and very informative. Call and schedule your club today or call Ruth your full service decorator at 352-804-2056.