Art of Display

Art of Display

Have you ever tried to define art? When you think about all the art that you have ever seen and...

Mastering The Process

Mastering The Process

So, you have a room full of furniture which you used to love but one morning over coffee you look...

The Power of Updates

The Power of Updates

I want to re-introduce a villa that I have worked on over the years because this particular property is a...



Sunshine filtered through the vast canopies of live oaks raining down its golden light to feed the blooming azaleas below....

Timeless reflections

Timeless reflections

The first mirror ever recorded in history was nearly 4000 years ago, and it was a highly polished volcanic rock...

Florida Life

Florida Life

The blue dome of sky provides just enough contrast to show the thin line of a rising moon. As you...

Coral Bloom

Coral Bloom

I love driving home along the Belleview Beltway on the cusp of twilight. I have been treated to some of...

Flat line

Flat line

Websters dictionary defines flat line as, “to be in a state of no progress or advancement”. In the world of...

Bright Drama

Bright Drama

We see color magic every day! If you walk into a room that is dark and there are no lights...

Coastal Cottage

Coastal Cottage

I could lose myself in the pages of Coastal Living and not look up for hours at a time. Each...