Asian Inspired

Asian Inspired

Merriam Websters dictionary defines inspiration as: to influence, to move or guide, to draw forth or bring out, to infuse something....

The Art of Display

The Art of Display

After years of being inspired to declutter by Marie Kondo and learning about Swedish death cleaning, guess what is back?...

The Grande Finale

The Grande Finale

Have you ever sat on your couch and just looked around your living room? You scan the windows and then...

The Art of Increments

The Art of Increments

Don’t think that when you set out to do one thing in a room that it will remain one thing....

Whispering Pine

Whispering Pine

It is no secret that my favorite tree is the palm tree. I love the way the canopies of Queen...



I am not sure how long you have to live in Florida before you are a victim of convergence happens...

Look for the Boom!

Look for the Boom!

By the time you read this, I will have seen the best fireworks display in central Florida! I will have...

Totally Tole

Totally Tole

A new form of metal work was popularized in the 18th century, and it is reclaiming popularity today. It is...



One thing that has always impressed me about the Casa Marina Key West is the beauty of the Lobby. The...

Maximalist Design

Maximalist Design

I don’t have an exact account, but it seems like for the last ten years in design there was a...