I am drawn like a moth to a flame to anything sparkly and bright, from a clear sky full of stars to Christmas lights wrapped around a tree; I love little points of glowing light. I looked up and shimmering light rained down like diamonds dripping from the cool night sky. We moved through the mesh of lights and the music surrounded us pulling us deeper and deeper into the glowing Main Street of Walt Disney World. We were making our annual pilgrimage with the nephews and the niece to see Cinderella’s Castle wrapped in lights and frozen! As a child, I loved the electric light parade at The Magic Kingdom and I have always found lights and the nighttime to be two of my most magical favorite things. Likewise, in the world of decorating I have many favorite things and will share them with you in photos of a Grandview somewhere in the Heart of The Villages.
• Paint 
I always paint color on the walls. It does not have to be crazy colors just some color to warm up the space. The eye moves toward mass and the largest amount of square footage is the walls. If you address them at the beginning and warm up the space, you will reduce the urge to fill your walls with useless stuff that was purchase to “get color”. If you paint first you will be more likely to buy things that you love, with more thought, than just getting the house done.
• Textiles
One of my favorite things that I don’t get to do as much as I would like is beautiful stationary side panels. The window of the Grandview dining room had a beautiful shutter but it was not enough. We added long drapery panels in fabulous fabric on an antique gold rod and it looks so good. If you want to warm up a room and give it a finished feel side panels in a great fabric do the trick.
• Mirrors
Mirrors capture light and expand space so I use them as often as I can. The mirror that I use the most is the large Palladian mirror and it is my favorite mirror. The reason that I love this mirror is that it provides two things for the price of one. I love that! Not only do you get a large mirror that reflects light and increases the size of any space it is applied but it looks like a window. There are large versions of this mirror and small versions of this mirror but anytime it is used it is awesome!
• Shutters
This kitchenette has very tall bay like windows and we wanted the windows to shine. We chose shutters for three reasons, they provide privacy, they encase the window with a molding so that it looks finished, and shutters add a strong pop of white in the space. We added a crown molding header to the top of the shutters for a very bold and finished look. The white of the shutters looks amazing with the wainscoting and together they provide a spectacular contrast to the grey walls.
• Molding
These are at the top of the list of my favorite things, crown molding and wainscoting. Crown molding finishes every room and draws the eye upward. Also, crown molding gives a nice bright pop in the space. I always recommend seven inch crown for ceilings that are nine feet and over, it looks amazing. I love installing white wainscoting too! The power of contrast comes into play when the white wainscot meets the grey paint color of the walls, it makes everything look better.
• Windows, Doors and Niches
I love to have large casement molding installed around the windows, doors and niches. This strong pop of white really makes the windows and niches stand out. In the Grandview we highlighted the master bedroom entry with large casement molding and a header. If you have a view the bright white of the large molding will frame the view and make the window look larger.
• Area rugs
I love fabulous rugs! The rugs in the photos are statement pieces and pull the entire space together. If you have an abundance of solid surface flooring rugs are a must!
• Flowers
I do use silk flowers and not only do I love them but they are a necessity! My favorite two flowers are orchids and hydrangeas. There are lots of thoughts about real flowers vs fake but most of my clients travel and real flowers and plants will not survive an absentee owner. There is no right or wrong to fake or real it really has to do with lifestyle and whether you want to water plants.
P.S. –Attention, club presidents! I give free decorating programs! It is lots of fun and very informative. Call and schedule your club today or call Ruth your full service decorator at 352-804-2056.
Before and After Pics Below